Gondo Charolais is a campground overlooking a great view of a sea of clouds, beautiful sunset, as well as the panoramic view of the five peaks of Aso mountain range known as “Sleeping Buddha”. Refreshing air and its magnificent view are surely comforting and entertaining.

チェックイン Check- In
チェックアウト Check- Out

定休日 Closed on
  • Irregular holiday
住所 Address
6338 Manganji, Minamioguni-machi, Aso-gun, Kumamoto
マップコード Map code
33.083952270356185, 131.17444189596281
電話番号 Phone Number
宿泊1泊2食(1名) Standard Price
Room without meals [1 adult per night] ¥3,500
旅館サービス Japanese Inn Services
  • 旅館サービスParking lot
お部屋数 Number of rooms
WEBサイト website
利用可能クレジット Available Credit cards
  • Cash only
QRコード決済 QR code payment
  • None

Scenery of the site

Campsite 1

Campsite 2

Panoramic view of Aso